Sebastien TRAN DINH

[ Enthusiastic X Purposeful X Inventive ]

are the approach’s common denominators behind humble, genuine, yet transformative multidisciplinary design practice. Expressed through various mediums, within diverse fields and magnitudes, they aim at driving thoughtful, creative & emotional designs production.

Feel free to get in touch!

Key Values.

Relentless learner.
Sedulous listener with boundless curiosity, a constant experimenter who always stimulates new ideas and perspectives to overcome conventionality while celebrating diversity.

Transparent openness.
Build accountability and trust by diagnosing problems and tailoring specific plans whilst meeting needs, budgets and timelines.

Striving for substance and building the grounds lying behind each proposal. Facing & tackling difficulties.

Cross disciplinary.
Moving freely between Design and Engineering to shape robust contents and consistent outputs. Merging the emotional with the rational by bringing innovative ideas into life through a skillful and detailed execution.

Responsible consciousness.
Committed in building for the future while embracing the social and environmental responsibilities.

A Singular Approach.

The achievements expressed through various mediums within diverse fields and magnitudes are driven by a thoughtful, creative & emotional design approach.
A distinctive graphic language with suitable design touch and neat imagery reveal essential features and communicate the ideas in a bold and convincing way.
A permanent dialogue between sense and sensibility, rational and emotional delivers a coherent and distinguishing output.


Over 20 years of comprehensive experience in Design practice, elaborating strong creative concepts and executing them with full spectrum of cutting-edge skills.

On grounds of Mechanical Engineering background & extended international experiences, collaborations across sectors and disciplines benefit from an array of extensive knowledge with an integrated approach to tackle problems of various magnitudes.

Combined with influential Design expertise, achievements reflect intrinsic qualities of a thoughtful content with an expressive output.

Currently settled in Singapore, available remotely (and on site temporary if required), for fruitful collaborations and rich experiences sharing.

2020-2024 Independent Designer / Adjunct Assistant Professor.
2017-2020 NISSAN MOTORS | Interior Design Manager.
2013-2017 RENAULT DESIGN INDIA | Studio Chief Designer.
2011-2013 RENAULT DESIGN FRANCE | Lead Designer.
2010-2011 RENAULT DESIGN AMERICA LATINA | Senior Designer.
2004-2009 RENAULT DESIGN FRANCE | Interior Designer.
2004 SAMSUNG MOTORS | Interior & Exterior Designer.
2001-2004 RENAULT DESIGN FRANCE | Interior Designer.
1999-2001 Royal College of Art & Imperial College - UK.
1996-1999 Compiègne University of Technology - FR.
1994-1996 University René Descartes | Paris V - FR.


Daily Based.
- Regular Service following consistent Design process.

- Specific Service focussing on one or several activities (e.g. Concept Sketch, Ideation, Illustration, 3D sketch model, Rendering, etc...).

Project Based.
Activities stretching from context frame to exhaustive completion :

Context Framing Digital Modeling
Prospective Research Color, Material & Finish
Trends Monitoring Visualization, Illustration
Concept Generation Simple & Advanced Animations
2D & 3D Ideation Communication & Promotion
Integrated Design Dvt ...